Seamless integration

Integrate orders from one or many sales channels.

Track and notify

Take ownership of your delivery experience with better tracking notifications.

Data-driven deliveries

Start reporting on metrics to improve the way you ship.

Add Toll to your carrier mix

With over 130 years’ experience, and a network spanning 50 countries, 1,200 locations and 40,000 people, they have the scale and the knowledge to solve any logistics, transport or supply chain challenge.

If you are looking for local and regional delivery, Toll have many options to add to your multi-carrier solution through Shippit's platform. We integrate seamlessly with Toll.

You can track your Toll shipped parcels and contact Toll through their friendly customer service number. Take advantage of Shippit's Discount Rates or connect your pre-negotiated Toll rates for shipping with you.

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Faster pack and ship

Easily generate consistent labelling, get instant quotes and effortlessly book pickups whether you use Shippit’s discounted rates or bring your own negotiated Toll delivery rates.

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Notify your customers

Smart tracking notifications keep customers informed. Our smart email and SMS notifications give your customers just the right amount of information when it actually matters.


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Make smarter delivery decisions

Get instant visibility on how Toll deliveries are performing and see your spend in real-time.

Seamlessly integrate multiple sales channels & order management systems

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Shippit brings you discounted rates

One account gives you access to multiple carriers with discounted shipping rates so you can get the best of every service.